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Treatment depends on the problem, the severity of illness and the stage of illness
Whether it's pain, fatigue, balance, weakness, orthostatic intolerance, hypermobility, stiffness or a combination of all, I aim to help you with
the problems that concern you the most by carefully putting a plan together
Scroll down for more info

When I talk about exercise, I mean core exercises, stretching, breathing, strengthening or balance, I do not mean Graded Exercise Therapy, which is contraindicated in ME.
There is a safe way to 'exercise' but it needs to be at the right time and at the right pace.
Evidence-based recommendations from 'The Workwell Foundation' state that exercise should not induce post-exertional malaise, so any exercise, whether stretching, strengthening or balance needs to remain below the anaerobic threshold.
This is because we know that people with ME have altered energy metabolism.
Click below for more information from the Workwell Foundation

Pacing is a management approach that breaks activity (physical, emotional, mental/cognitive) into smaller chunks, with periods of rest in between. Activity is stopped before any symptom is triggered so the ultimate aim is to use the available energy without symptom exacerbation and to create more stability in everyday life - easier said than done!

There are many hands-on techniques that are used to help with muscle and joint pain and stiffness, headaches and nerve pain. Choosing the best technique is individual to the person and not everyone with ME can tolerate being touched.
Myofascial release is probably the most gentle technique I use. It involves using sustained and gentle pressure over painful areas to release restrictions.
Please email me for further information about specific hand-on treatments

Some people with ME or Long Covid find that monitoring their heart rate to avoid over-exertion allows them to remain under their anaerobic threshold and therefore minimise symptom exacerbation. This is based on the research undertaken by 'The Workwell Foundation' who have found that people with ME have altered energy metabolism. Keeping below a targeted heart rate has benefited some people with ME
Prior to my Physiotherapy degree, I completed a degree in Sports Science so I have an understanding of how heart rate monitoring relates to exertion and the different energy systems
Click below for an excellent podcast about heart rate monitoring

Optimal resting positions for comfort and support is particularly important for those with more severe illness who spend prolonged periods of time in bed or in a chair. The right pillows, the right mattress and the right postural aids e.g. a v-pillow are so important.
Physios specialise in positioning so I can advise on ways to keep the body in a good alignment and to prevent muscle shortening or contractures (when the muscles become fixed in a short position). Keeping a good alignment is also important in managing pain. I can also help carers to understand the importance of good positioning.
We know that having ‘good’ posture is a good thing and that it can prevent pain, such as headaches and migraines. Good posture can also help with breathing and core stability. Sometimes, certain muscles need to be stretched, and others strengthened to achieve a better posture. Sometimes, changing our environment helps with posture. For example, if you are able to watch TV, even for a short while, if the TV is placed on the left-hand side of the room and you have to turn your head to the left, neck pain is a likely outcome. Placing the TV in the middle of the room is likely to help alleviate the neck pain.

There are so many resources on the internet, youtube and social media outlining the health benefits of de-stressing, winding down, quietening the mind and living in the present moment.
Such practices help to regulate our autonomic nervous system, which is often 'dysregulated' as a result of illness.
Using 'Polyvagal Theory' I can support you with looking at ways to help you regulate your nervous system. In turn, this can help to conserve energy and reduce symptoms.
There is current research looking at how stimulating the vagus nerve using a vagus nerve stimulating device can help symptoms in post-viral conditions.
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