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If you are experiencing ongoing symptoms from covid-19 and would like support or advice, please email me to arrange an appointment.

I will undertake a thorough assessment and we will work together to improve your symptoms and activity levels. 

I have been on my own long covid recovery journey and I hope to share my recovery experiences with you, as well as those from the hundreds of patients I have supported.

The majority of people who developed ME started with a infection/virus.
We know from other outbreaks (SARS, MERS) that approximately 10% of infected people developed ME.
We know there are significant numbers of people who are developing ongoing symptoms following a covid-19 infection. There are over 200 symptoms reported, including fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, headache, joint pain and many many more. In my practice, I have seen people improve over time. With the right management and support, it is possible to recover.



Here's How You Treat Long Covid | Lessons From MCAS - Dr Tina Peers
Gez Medinger

Here's How You Treat Long Covid | Lessons From MCAS - Dr Tina Peers

If you've been suffering from Long Covid, chances are you've had every man and his dog telling you that what you REALLY need to be taking is Vitamin D. Or probiotics. Or some godawful supplement you've never heard of.  And as a result many long haulers have been taking every vitamin and supplement under the sun to see what works. But it's hard to tell through the fog. In this film I talk to Dr Tina Peers, one of the leading group of doctors with a special interest in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, who has been successfully treating patients with MCAS for five years. She has lots to say about the comparison between MCAS and Long Covid, and what treatments have successfully worked in her clinical experience. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Long Covid Handbook (Oct 2022), by Gez Medinger and Professor Danny Altmann and published by Penguin Books is now available in paperback, ebook and audiobook. A singular resource that brings together everything patients, clinicians and academics have learnt about the condition since early 2020, as well as lessons from sufferers and researchers of ME/CFS and other chronic conditions. It offers world leading expert advice on understanding, managing and treating Long Covid. The Long Covid Handbook is available from the following links: US: UK: ------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: It is ESSENTIAL to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements that you have not taken before, or begin taking them at a larger dose. This regimen is NOT appropriate for children so they should speak to their doctor before taking any of these. Nicotinic acid / Niacin also has several strong counter-indications, they can be seen here: REFERENCES: Dr Tina Peers MCAS and Long Covid, Afrin et al: Atopy / Autoimmune conditions in Long Haulers: Low Histamine food list:

This is a leaflet from the ME Association about post-viral fatigue and coronavirus

This is a link to the 'long-covid' webiste

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